Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quick post: Woman Power

Don't take sh*t from idiots like this...speak up and put them in their place.

His question is on top...my answer is on bottom. 

Hope ya'll have a good day!


  1. Wow! I don't know why dating=sex for most guys. When I was dating it took me awhile to understand why I very rarely got a second date.. . It was because I wouldn't have sex or even allow a kiss. I barely know this person, not ready to swap fluids already!

  2. I know right! I feel like it's our responsibility as women to make sure these jerks know that we aren't only on this planet for them to have sex with! I still have faith that there are guys out there that don't only want sex! Keep your chin up!! :)

  3. Luckily I found my husband! He was willing to wait and get to know me and become friends first. So refreshing!

  4. Whoops! lol Congrats! See, it's stories like yours that make me realize that there are good men out there, just gotta keep looking! :)

  5. DAAAAMN girl! Good for you!!!!!! What a fucking creeper!!!!!!

  6. Haha I'm definitely a little proud of myself ;) I'm sick of jerks like this ..they need to be put in their place!
