Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Boys are jerks

Duh! Danae!

Oh boys, I'm really starting to hate them. It is not necessary to be a complete jerk for no absolute reason. Here's the story:

I was on Tinder, saw a cute guy, I liked him, and then BAM we were a 'match' (which basically means he liked me back). So then he messages me and here's how the conversation went....

I seriously cannot make this shit up. If you're on Tinder and you "accidentally" match there is no reason to be such an asshole about it! It's very easy: when you delete the conversation, I can no longer contact you.

Seriously when I saw this.. I lost even MORE faith in the men on this planet.

*Link up every 2nd Tuesday and dish out on the stupid shit men say!!




  1. Lol. Sorry...I shouldn't be laughing. I just continue to be amused at the way people communicate. Obviously, he wasn't looking for anything serious. I would've replied, "And talking to jerks like you is what spices up this thing I call MY life."

  2. Although it was pretty insulting and rude, I couldn't help but laugh. I even threw an lol in on my last response because I actually laughed! It just continues to get more ridiculous with each guy I talk to!!

  3. Ugh... what a freakin' DOUCHBAG!!!!! haha

  4. Krista KetterhagenMarch 11, 2014 at 7:25 PM

    I am sorry, but I laughed! I loved your responses to him. What a jerk! And not to be totally dumb, but what is Tinder?

  5. Oh girl laugh it out because I laughed too!! And Tinder is an online dating app :)

  6. WOW I am sorry you had to deal with this, but on a positive note you get to laugh at how dumb some men are. I just tried to convince my boyfriend that we should get a tinder together just to make fun of people like this guy!

  7. Ah no need to apologize! I have fun with these jerkface idiots haha! And that may be a really fun activity for the both of you! The only reason I still have my account is in order to post these funny things!

  8. Wow, what a jerk! Ridiculous...

  9. Yeah I know! Ah well- next please!! Lol

  10. I like Tinder a lot, but it's just like any other site! There are just as many jerks! I'm sure I will thanks girl ;)
